Full Time Faculty

Leigh Delaney-Tucker
Email: leighdelaney@969532.com
Phone: (251) 460-7694
Office: ELSB 50

Laura Frost
Email: lafrost@969532.com
Phone: (251) 460-7528
Office: ELSB 230
Lab: ELSB 236

Tray Hamil
Email: thamil@969532.com
Phone: (251) 460-1945
Office: ELSB 120

Jeremiah Henning
Email: henning@969532.com
Phone: (251) 460-7987
Office: ELSB 121
Lab: ELSB 111

Jackie Howell
Email: jackiehowell@969532.com
Phone: (251) 341-3093
Office: ELSB 120B

Erin Itza
Email: eitza@969532.com
Phone: (251) 460-6276
Office: ELSB 132

Kelly Major
Email: kmajor@969532.com
Phone: (251) 460-7523
Office: ELSB 51

Juan Luis Mata
Email: jmata@969532.com
Phone: (251) 461-1750
Office: ELSB 53

Sinéad Ní Chadhain
Email: snichadhain@969532.com
Phone: (251) 460-7522
Office: ELSB 216

Jonathan H Pérez
Email: jhperez@969532.com
Phone: (251) 460-7527
Office: ELSB 133
Lab: ELSB 130/013

Rachel Rodenberg
Email: rodenberg@969532.com
Phone: (251) 460-2291
Office: ELSB 028

Tim Sherman
Email: tsherman@969532.com
Phone: (251) 460-7529
Office: ELSB 231
Lab: ELSB 232

Jason Strickland
Email: jasonstrickland@969532.com
Phone: (251) 460-7310
Office: ELSB 221B (within 222)
Lab: ELSB 222

Tuan Tran
Email: tmtran@969532.com
Phone: (251) 461-1583
Office: ELSB 27
Lab: ELSB 029
Guest Researchers

Dr. Debra Stults
Email: dstults@969532.com
Phone: (251) 460-6331
Office: ELSB 228
Part Time Faculty
Name | Office | Phone Number |
Adlington, Ryan | (251) 460-6331 | |
Arditi, Jean-Pierre | ja701@jagmail.969532.com | (251) 460-6331 |
Delchamps, Sharon | sdelchamps@969532.com | (251) 460-6331 |
Hilbun, Nancy | nhilbun@969532.com | (251) 460-6331 |
Littlepage, Amanda | (251) 460-6331 | |
McPhail, Barry | bmcphail@969532.com | (251) 460-6331 |
Moody, Ryan | (251) 460-6331 |
Emeritus Faculty
Name | Office | Phone Number |
Nelson, David | LSCB 147 | (251) 460-6331 |
O'Brien, Jack | jobrien@969532.com | (251) 460-7525 |
Sherman, Tim | LSCB 124 | (251) 460-6331 |
Adjunct Faculty
Name | Department | College |
Borchert, Glen | Department of Pharmacology | College of Medicine |
Hermance, Meghan | Department of Microbiology and Immunology | College of Medicine |
Rayner, Jonathan | Department of Microbiology and Immunology | College of Medicine |